Amateur Radio (G3TXQ) - Malta 40 QRP CW Transceiver
This QRP transceiver design was inspired by Rick Littlefield, K1BQT's, article in the January 1988 issue of Ham Radio magazine - you can see a photograph of Rick's transceiver on page 23 of the G-QRP-Club Sprat magazine Issue 64. My 40m transceiver fits comfortably into the same sized box - about 4"x4"x2" - but has improved receiver performance.
The name came about because I built the transceiver ready for a holiday trip to Malta. Imagine the fun operating QRP CW from the side of the swimming pool, with a 40m dipole strung up in the trees surrounding the holiday villa; not ony that, but Malta was a rare enough island that folk were calling me rather than the other way round!
A circuit schematic, pcb layout, component layout, parts list, and alignment details are available here in an information leaflet which I made available to Sprat readers. Please note that this transceiver was designed in 1993/94 and some of the components and parts suppliers listed may no longer be available.
Finally, here's a photograph of a matching Tuner which contains a 50 ohm dummy load, an SWR bridge and an L-match tuner.